Payment Portal
The County is pleased to launch an online portal for aircraft parking tenants to pay their monthly aircraft parking fees. To utilize the site you will need your name, account number, the amount you are going to pay, and a payment method. You can use a check or credit card.
Your account number is on your License Agreement and the emailed monthly billing notice.
Please remember that monthly payments are due by the first of each month. Payments received after the first of the month are considered late. Payments received after 5:00 PM on the 10th of the month will not show on your next billing notice and the account will incur a late fee.
Click here to go to our payment processor and make your payment.
Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or challenges.
Please note: This site is only for monthly aircraft parking fees. It is not for transient fees, FBO lease payments, or other property payments.