Airport update
We are closing in on the final steps in the paving repairs at Reid-Hillview Airport. The contractor has finished the underground repairs of taxiway C between the two runways. Before the taxiway can be opened, we must install new surface markings. However, we are waiting for the pavement to cure before doing so. I anticipate the taxiway being opened up within the next 30 days. Around the same time, the contractor should be onsite to finish installing blue reflectors along the edge of Taxiway Z.
CAAPSO is hosting a special meeting at 6:30 P.M. this coming Saturday (10/20) at Trade Winds Aviation. They have invited the candidates running for County Supervisor District 4 to discuss the county airports. For more information on this meeting see the CAAPSO website,
Staff presented an updated Airport Business Plan to HLUET at a special evening meeting on September 17th. After a presentation by Roads and Airport Direct and approximately one hour of testimony by residents, staff was directed to evaluate an additional possibility of closing Reid-Hillview Airport and using the funds generated from its sale to develop San Martin airport. At this time staff is formulating a response to the Supervisors request.
The agenda for the meeting along with a video can be viewed from the county website:
As we have done throughout this process, we will keep you appraised as we progress with the Business Plan update via the airport website and periodic email notices.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Eric Peterson
Director County Airports
(408) 918-7700 x27722
[email protected]