While conduction hangar inspections, we frequently come across the following issues. Please take a moment to review prior to our next inspection.
- Aircraft:
- Any changes to primary or subtenant aircraft need to be on record with Airport Operations.
- Subtenants must have a signed subtenant agreement on file with Airport Operations.
- Current registration and insurance must be on file with airport administration. Insurance requirements can be found in the License Agreement, Exhibit B.
- Hazardous material: (See Section 8 of the Airport Rules and Regulations.)
- There may be no more than 10 gallons of hazardous material storage capacity in your hangar. This applies to full and empty containers, like the red gas containers. This does not include the fuel stored in your airplane.
- Do not store used oil or filters in your hangar. Bring your used oil and filters to Airport Operations for proper disposal. If we are not available when you are, call us or email [email protected] and we will pick it up from your hangar.
- Any empty containers that have drip dried may be placed in the garbage for disposal.
- If liquid is still present, bring the container to Airport Staff for disposal.
- Ensure all containers are clearly labeled with the contents.
- Clean up any hazardous material spills.
- Dry rags may be placed in the garbage for disposal
- All other absorbent material needs to be brought to Airport Operations Staff for disposal.
- Try using a drip pan under your aircraft instead of absorbent.
- Store hazardous material in a central location and label all containers as to their content and purpose.
- PROPANE TANKS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE HANGARS. BBQ’s are allowed to be stored in the hangar and can only be used outside but all propane must be stored offsite.
- Electrical:
- Do not modify the hangar electrical system. Any unauthorized changes will be removed by a licensed electrician at the tenants expense.
- Non-essential electrical devices may not be left plugged in (drill presses, band saws, air compressors, etc.)
- Major appliances must plug directly into the hangars main outlet and unplugged when not in use.
- Refrigerators are allowed to be plugged into the hangars main outlet continuously.
- Power strips and extension cords are for TEMPORARY USE ONLY. Unplug and store when not in use.
- Power strips must be the type equipped with surge protection and have circuit reset capability.
- Power strips and extension cords must plug directly into the hangars main outlet and may not be daisy-chained.
- Power strips and extension cords must be unplugged when not in use.
- Multi-tap outlets, multi-tap extension cords, and thin gauge extension cords (light-weight interior types) are not authorized and must be removed.
- Do not daisy chain extension cords or power strips
- Others:
- Only space heaters that do not burn fuel or have a glowing element are allowed to be used and stored in the hangars.
- Painting is not allowed in the hangar. Remove all painting materials and equipment.
- Resin, fiberglass, and epoxy material cannot be used or stored in the hangar.
- Fire extinguishers:
- Fire extinguishers must be easily accessible.
- Area around should have a clear walking path.
- No items should be stacked or hanging on a fire extinguisher.
- Fire extinguishers must be kept in its assigned location on the hook.
- Your own personal fire extinguishers must be certified and tagged annually and be mounted off the ground but not to the hangar structure. Please remove any non-compliant fire extinguishers.
- Remove all extra personal storage items that are not aviation related support equipment. 1.The hangars are for aircraft storage and not coded for personal storage.
- Rules and regulations sign need to be clearly visible.