FBO development process
Procedures for processing Architectural & Site Approval (ASA) Applications for Reid-Hillview Airport and San Martin Airport Fixed Base Operators (FBO)
- For any proposed project requiring ASA approval or a permit under title C of the county Ordinance, the FBO (“Applicant”) shall submit conceptual plans for the proposed project, including a site plan and written description, to the Director, Roads and Airports Department. The Director shall determine if the proposed project is consistent with the FBO’s Master Lease and issue a written determination to the applicant (with a copy to the County Planning Office) within 15 days.
- The Applicant shall schedule an appointment with the County Planning Office to file for a pre-application meeting. At the filing appointment, Applicant shall submit 8 sets of preliminary plans showing the leasehold site, existing and proposed improvements, elevations and floor plan of the proposed building; a copy of the aforementioned letter from the Roads & Airports Dept. and fees (10% of the general ASA fee). The Planning Office shall set up a file and assign a file number to the project.
- The Planning Office shall refer the plans to the reviewing agencies and schedule a pre-application meeting with the Applicant to review the proposed building and occupancy and identify any major issues or problems with the proposal. Reviewers attending the pre-application meeting may include representatives from the Fire Marshal, Building Inspection Office, Development Review, Land Development Engineering, Dept. of Environmental Health and the Roads & Airports Department. Other staff may be asked to attend the meeting, depending on the scope and location of the project. Following the pre-application meeting, the Planning Office shall send a letter to the Applicant outlining the issues discussed during the meeting.
- When the Applicant is ready to file for ASA review, he shall submit the application, required plans and fees to the Planning Office. Referrals shall be sent to those agencies noted above and others as determined at the pre-application meeting.
- Referral agencies shall return their comments to the Planning Office and indicate whether the application is complete or incomplete. If complete, recommended conditions of approval (if any), shall be included in the review comments. If incomplete, the reviewing agency shall state the information, reports or plans required to make the application complete. The Planning Office shall send a letter to the applicant advising that the application is incomplete and listing the reasons noted by each reviewing agency within 45 days. A copy of the letter shall be sent to each reviewer who has requested information and to the Director of County Airports.
- If the application is incomplete, the applicant shall submit the required materials to the Planning Office for distribution to the appropriate reviewing agencies.
- Once the application is complete, the Planning Office shall send a letter to the Applicant advising them that the application is complete and that an Environmental Assessment (EA) will be performed (if required). The EA, if required, shall be completed within 90 days.
- Once the EA is complete, or if an EA is not required, the Planning Office shall compile the recommended conditions of approval from the reviewing agencies, including the timing for completion of the conditions (e.g. items that must be completed prior to occupancy). The Planning Director shall recommend to the Director, Roads & Airports Dept. the conditions of approval and action on the environmental document within 30 days. The Director, Roads & Airports Dept. shall then submit a recommendation to the County Executive regarding approval or disapproval of the application and adoption of the environmental document within 15 days. Applications recommended for approval shall include the recommended conditions of approval.
- Once the application is approved, the Roads & Airports Department shall stamp the plans “plans are authorized by the Roads & Airports Dept. to be submitted for review to the County Building Inspection Office and County Planning Office for review”. The Applicant may then file the application for building permit with the County Building Inspection Office. While the plans are being checked, the applicant may work with various departments to complete the conditions of approval.
- If the application is disapproved, the Applicant may appeal to the Board of Supervisors as prescribed in the Applicant’s lease.