Superbowl information
The Superbowl is coming to town next week, and with it a reservation system for IFR flights and many flight restrictions. Much of the information is available on our website ( and our Facebook page ( however I wanted to take this opportunity to directly share with you the NOTAMS that may affect your planned flights next week.
The FAA has put this special notice together regarding flights on Feb. 7.
And here you can review screen shots of the NOTAMs.
When the Superbowl comes to town, it usually attracts 1,500 additional GA aircraft to the region. Many are of a size that eliminates our airports as a destination, but traditionally 20% of the arriving aircraft can utilize RHV or E16. Airport staff has put together a plan to accommodate up to 100 aircraft at RHV in addition to handling an influx of helicopter operations. For instance, to accommodate the helicopters, Alpha row parking is being cleared out and temporarily re-marked. Another temporary change we are making between Feb. 4 and Feb. 9 is to extending our hours of operation to 0700-2200 with security on the field between 2200 and 0700.
We have also made some other changes around the airport that you might enjoy, including remodeling the RHV lobby (, completing a few small landscaping projects around the airport, and adding a new member to our team. Starting this Monday, Sean Brennan will begin work as an Airport Operations Worker. When you see him, be sure to say hello.
And if you have any questions, feel free to contact Ken, Pam or me at any time.
Best wishes,
Eric Peterson
Director County Airports
(408) 918-7700 x27722